PLEASE HELP! Turn off animations sounds

Lucretia1 wrote on 11/17/2009, 3:22 AM

I inserted an animation with a photo clip (animation is a already made template supplied with Photostory is a 'shark' swimming) into my movie but I don't wont the backgroung sound of 'jaws' as I have added my own music to the story. Problem is that the 'jaws' music piece play while my selected music is playing at the same time (sounds aweful).   Does anyone know how to turn off the actual animations backgound sound. Many thanks

Hi guys


AndyCope wrote on 11/17/2009, 7:54 AM
See if this helps, on the time line, go down to the track directly below the picture that has the effect aplied to it. there should be a track that says shark_02 with what looks like audio waves (squigaly lines) click on this. it should hilight that, the shark_02 blue box, and the picture. on the menu bar DIRECTLY above the time line
there is undo, redo, delet, title editor, etc... find the ungroup button. ( it looks like a broken/unconected chain) with the shark and picture still hilighted click the ungroup butten. this, well ungroups them. now click the shark_02 audio again so it is hilighted alone. then simply delet it.
If you have further problems please tell.     good luck                     -Chip Comando
AndyCope wrote on 11/17/2009, 9:32 PM
What Mep are you using? Are you sure that its not there? scroll down (verticly) on the time line sometimes it is on track 6-14 If not then move the picture to an unused track then mute the sound on this track. If this doesn't work tell me.
Be glad to help!
AndyCope wrote on 11/18/2009, 7:48 AM
Sorry for not being a great help, I am only 14.
Though there is some one I would like you to
try and ask. his computer name is  (Ralftaro) send him an email he has
helped me with everyone of my problems
I very much hope he helps more then my little knolage
He is about 6 levels higher than me.
Thats So weird that it didn't show on the time line
VERY GOOD LUCK  to you                  -Chip Comando
BroBryce2009 wrote on 11/19/2009, 6:11 AM
you may have to scroll down to reveal more tracks down below where you are working, in order to reveal where the additional elements of the "shark" effect are attached.  Note that all of these elements will probably be "grouped", which means you will have to ungroup them (the little broken chain links icon) before you can delete the music element all by itself.

Other than that, ChipComando seems to have it all down in black & white for you.
Lucretia1 wrote on 11/19/2009, 12:55 PM
Hi BroBryce2009,  as I said I cant scroll down as there is no scroll 'down' bar to begin with.  I am right at the very bottom of the 'page'.  I see three mode overview, story board and timeline. That is it. In the timeline mode I see in left corner next to mode icons four icons square (picture block) and sound icon, below that a 'T' for text icon and below that another sound icon. I cant scoll down futher as there is nothing there or allows me to do this.

I wish I could show you a snap shot of my screen. You can clearly see the animation in my preview pane. But not on anyone of my 'work' lines Nothing show as an animation..... zero.. blank. And as mentioned I can edit this aniamtion when I go to size and position.  But no where to mute sound. I give up!
AndyCope wrote on 11/20/2009, 8:14 AM
You can Take a picture/yideo of your screen.
uplaod it to your comuter however you do that
then edit your question and insert picture/video
Though most people like brobrice (above) are saying
the same things that I did. one quick question. What
Movie Edit Pro are you using?
AndyCope wrote on 11/21/2009, 12:08 PM
then I don't think you can change it. so sorry
get Movie Edit Pro 15 then you can.
Good luck to you!                                          -chip