Photostory CD & DV Collage effect not applying

mwebb wrote on 3/8/2012, 2:44 PM

I am trying to apply the Collage effect but it does not seem to work. The documentation is very poor but I'm learning that this is Magix's business model ( great functions, poor documentation then blackmail for Premium Support) Photostory documentation states -

 "Picture-in-picture collages
These work similarly to normal picture-in-picture effects, but more objects are used. Depending on the collage, arrange the selected objects one after the other and drag the collage onto the first object."

can anyone explain this - I've arrange the photos onto the time line one after the other and selected and dragged to no effect. What am I missing.


mwebb wrote on 3/12/2012, 8:36 AM

   Found the answer myself clicking around in the program. It appears that not all of the "Effects" and option are download with the main program installer. To make PhotoStory fully functional you have to click on "Free Updates" in the Help menu and download/install multiply files to make PhotoStory fully functional. 

 You would think these steps would be part of the initial setup instructions. If they were I believe it would help new users get started without all the fustration directed at Magix. Then again Magix would not be able to sell their Premium E-mail Support. Magix  simply nneds to add a line to their documentation stating this function is not initially installedt and needs to be downloaded and install thru the Help Menu.

Oh, and don't e-mail All you get is an e-mail stating you should not e-mail You need to pay for a support reference number first to include in the e-mail subject line before they will respond. Kind of a catch-22, can't contact support to request  support until you contact support and request (pay for) support. 

I'll really need the software before I purchase from Magix again.

SheffieldChris wrote on 4/22/2012, 2:21 AM

   Found the answer myself clicking around in the program. It appears that not all of the "Effects" and option are download with the main program installer. To make PhotoStory fully functional you have to click on "Free Updates" in the Help menu and download/install multiply files to make PhotoStory fully functional. 

And in v11 it's "Free Download..." you need to select.

To save download time - you can add the speed of their servers to the issues I have with Magix; entirely agree re. the inadequacy of the manuals  - you want to select Design Elements 1 for most of the 2-5 image collage effects and Design Elements 2 for some more (plus 3D) and a couple of 9-image ones.