
NoTurning wrote on 5/25/2009, 10:37 AM

I don't know if PM8 can or will support this proprietary format but I will say it's easy to convert. I believe even the bundled Nikon software will convert for you; otherwise a quick web search will turn up a couple free programs.

That being said... why use the RAW format? Cannon is doing this too and it's really not that much improvement. They say one thing but in reality you'll be hard pressed to have a noticeable difference. I say just set your camera for .jpg and be done with it. That will save you the headache.


kleinen58 wrote on 2/14/2010, 5:06 PM
Sto eseguendo prove: il programma (o eventuali aggiornamenti) è in grado di gestire i files .Nef (Nikon) senza doverli trasformare in .jpeg?
Maurizio Piccoli