Photo Manager 12 and Kobo reader

denton13 wrote on 1/21/2016, 6:55 AM

To aquire public library books on my Kobo reader the book is downloaded onto Adobe Digital Editions and then dragged and dropped on the the reader.

To do this you attach the reader after the download and press "connect" on the reader .  At this point up pops Photo Manager 12 on top of the ADE background, and I have to wait to close the file gathering window and then the program.  By then it is too late to drag and drop the book.

Any ideas, please, on stopping the Photo Manger  intruding this way?.  The 2 desktop icons are far apart.


Windows 7 Home.  P/manager version


denton13 wrote on 1/21/2016, 8:55 AM

Further to that I have found that just plugging the Kobo into the desktop and Clicking "Connect" on the Kobo brings up Photo Manager.  Does this make it easier to find a cure?!!