According to Windows, the entire site is 146MB but Xara Web Designer 9 won't let me publish or export. I have optimized all photos and also allowing Xara to choose the type. I was able to get an Export prior to adding 2 new pages and according to what I can tell, there are only about 10 photos that are over 2MB in size with the biggest being 4.4MB. If I were to guess, the average size of all the photos is about 400kb.. I have 9 total pages with roughly about 30 pix each so 270x400kb = 108MB... nowhere near an issue for my 16GB of RAM including all the "thumbnails" at about 22KB. I have no idea how the program interprets objects during the publishing process but can someone please explain to me how it thinks it's eating up 16GB of RAM. I watched the Windows perf mon while I attempted to publish and I have at least 10GB free RAM when it pops the error.