Please note this is a user to user forum, not Magix support.
. . . . online catalog-software . . . .
Do you want visitors to be able to purchase online or just a catalogue/display of products?
For an online shop plugin examples are here, Web designer does not support the necessary functionality itself and requires use of a third party eCommerce platform..
For a image catalogue there are several options depending on your need - the simplest is one of the many Photo Galleries available for Web Designer - examples are here.
Do note that not all the examples linked to may be available - as program versions change some may have been dropped or new ones added.
If you need to incorporate video then this becomes more complicated as the Photo galleries do not handle video.
The simplest method is create a page, dropping video clips onto the page and adding any necessary text etc, or if the number of products is high, create a product index page with small images linking to individual pages that have the video, text etc. The latter does make for easier editing in the future.