Non-commercial copyright

devil wrote on 11/5/2012, 7:25 AM

I'm totally confused, as a newbie. Imagine that I am making a Magix Video Pro X3 video for Christmas greetings which I plan to send to my friends via YouTube, using limited distribution. I have found a piece of incidental music that fits my theme perfectly on this Magix site. I would like a yes or no answer to:

May I legally use this piece as a background music for my video without paying any royalties and without problems from YouTube, provided I acknowledge title and author in the credits? Yes/No, please!


Procyon wrote on 11/5/2012, 11:56 AM

What's so confusing about it?  If you did not create it, then you have no "rights" to use it in any manner. Period.  Even if it is not for commercial use, you technically need the copyright owners documented permission to use and distribute it.

It would have been helpful to tell us exactly WHERE you found this piece of music you're interested in.  If it is in the Show and Discuss section, it should not be a problem to contact the owner and get their permission (assuming they are willing).