Newbie here-how do I access the media included with Photostory

richkuy wrote on 11/7/2009, 3:50 AM
I've just had Photostory a few days and I am trying to figure out how to access and/or download the songs/background music, transitions, styles etc. that were supposed to be included.  I have the download version so no disk.  Sorry if this seems like a dumb question. :-) I am open to any suggestions on how best to familiarize myself with the program.



Theoldboy wrote on 11/13/2009, 1:26 PM

There are 2 places you can go:
Click on the Help Menue up the top
Click on Free download and it will give you 7 plugins to download
Open each one at a time and click on the the arrow at the right side for each and save to your PC. Keep in mind that some have more than 1
Do this for every plugin
Open the saved folder on your PC and click Run this will install them into the Effects button in Photostory 200> of them

For more options click on the FIle menue at the top
Click on Additional Programs
You can download each if needed . However the best is Photo Designer 6 which allows you to make adjustments to your photos similar to Photshop etc
Very handy little tool as it is opened up by clicking on the right down arrow attached to every photo in the Timeline Mode then click (Edit Image External)

Hope this helps
