
ralftaro wrote on 12/15/2008, 8:05 AM
Hi there,

First you need to establish how your MIDI keyboard connects to the system - via the traditional DIN MIDI port or via USB. I just checked and yours seems to offer a USB connection. In this case, please make sure that the keyboard is properly detected and supported by your current operating system in the first place and a suitable driver is installed. Most likely, this will just work via plug & play, when you connect the keyboard via USB, but I don't know how old that keyboard model is and you have to make sure it really is supported by the system before you try to use it in Music Maker.

Once that is done and you have connected and switched on the keyboard, you can start Music Maker 15. Go into the program settings (e.g. by pressing "Y" on the keyboard) and switch to the "Audio/MIDI" tab. Find your MIDI keyboard's USB driver under the MIDI/Input Device drop-down list and choose it. Now create a MIDI/VST object with a suitable software instrument as output. Try playing the keyboard while the MIDI Editor is opened for that object.

If you can't get the driver for your MIDI keyboard to show up as an option in the Music Maker settings, you might want to check whether it's connected properly and not conflicting with anything else. Try to connect straight to one of your computer's USB ports and avoid USB hubs or extensions cords. If you have other USB devices (e.g. a webcam) you might want to try to disconnect those when using the keyboard.

P.S.: Make sure to switch your program to ASIO operation and use a suitable ASIO driver in the Music Maker program settings. It's not really a requirement to perform a recording from the MIDI keyboard, but very necessary to keep latency times down. If the latency times, between pressing a key on the keyboard and actually having the program register and record the sound, get too long, you will have problems syncing up your currently recorded track with the existing arrangement tracks.