Music Maker 15 problems

kiteman wrote on 3/13/2009, 4:01 PM
Samples corrupt when I drag them onto the track. Why is this happening? Either my computer is up the creek, or this programme Music Maker 15 is very buggy. Vocal samples seem to have a fast tremolo, and other samples stutter or have glitches in the sound on preview. I hope someone can help. The helpline phone doesn't work either. Woe is me.


barpsimpson wrote on 3/13/2009, 5:59 PM
Hi there. I too have MM15 and it seems a pretty stable program.  The stuttering you mention sounds like a driver issue.  Sorry if I'm telling granny to suck eggs, but if you haven't done so, I'd check out the settings by going to: File / Settings / Program Settings / Audio/Midi and playing with the driver selection and audio buffer.  By increaseing the buffer, you should get fewer crackles, although this will be at the expense of increased latency.  An ASIO driver is the best option if poss (you can find 3rd party ASIO drivers on the web (e.g., but not all sound cards support this type of driver.

Good luck!
