Movie Edit Pro 15 crashing on Edit tab

ronlaw wrote on 5/31/2009, 5:47 PM
I was trying to make 1 movie with sections of 2 videos (which didn't work) but made the program crash everytime I hit the edit tab. I have uninstalled and reinstalled 2 times now. Every time I hit the edit tab the program shuts down whether I hit new project or open an existing one.

Any help would be appreciated.


tslp wrote on 6/1/2009, 10:46 AM
Received this tip from ralftaro on this group earlier last week - Thanks to ralftaro it worked for me ...

Please try as below ...hoping to help in your case as well...


This seems to be troubling a few users. Try this: Open the program, go straight to the "Help" menu and use the "Reset program settings to defaults" command to completely reset the program. Will probably work fine again after that. If not, there's a few other things we could try or you could contact Magix tech support directly.