Monitor displays broken video/audio during VHS Recording.

SPless661 wrote on 10/31/2010, 7:33 PM

Using Magix RECORD to record a VHS movie, audio and display is jittery and not smooth on the MONITOR.

Magix, Movies on DVD TerraTec Edition version;

Firebird SQL Server Magix Edition v2.1.27.0;

Using the USB to Composite TerraTec Grabby adapter with driver v 5.09.0813.00 installed.

Installed on a notebook with Window7HomePremium operating system v 6.1.7600 build 7600.


Man o' Lakes wrote on 11/4/2010, 12:03 PM

Hi there,


what's the actual quality of the recording like when you play back the file having completed the transfer?

If it's ok in playback, perhaps you need to use the setting for a slower computer, even if it is fairly new with Win 7.  Try killing as many tasks as possible when transferring video, make sure that no other USB devices are attached when recording, and that you are connecting directly to the USB port on your computer, and not even via a hub or a lead.

Man o' Lakes wrote on 11/9/2010, 4:54 AM

Log on to the MAGIX suport website and get `em to send you a syscheck. Run it with the device attached. The usual things to watch when recording are disconnecting all other USB devices, attaching the device directly to a

USB port on the computer, not even via a hub.


Check on the Terratece website for any updates too. If all that doesn't work, request the syscheck. Cheers M 'o L