MMM 17 Prem: Align note/chord attack with start of bar

JayGee716 wrote on 10/5/2011, 12:20 AM

This is probably a goofy question with a simple answer but....I'm getting reacquainted with music and music production after a 25 year break. I like anything you can throw at me (as long as it's not Country)  but I LOVE electronic and trance. "Hell of a thing to get into at 50" seems to be the general consensus but who cares, it calms me down after a long stretch of.....well......not calm. Anyway,

I have been tinkering with the "Record" function using my M Audio Keystation 61es connected via an M Audio MidiSport Uno MIDI-to-USB adapter. The function is quite tempermental as far as starting the recording then trying to get caught up to the tempo goes. No matter how hard I try, I just cannot seem to get my attack synched with the first beat of the measure. Highly irritating given my background. Is there a tool (for want of a better word) that can scoot a chord or note 3.05 ms onto the first beat of a bar?

Oh, and one more thing....Is there a setting to start the recording when you play the first note? It may already be built-in, I don't know, but if it's not, it should be, IMHO.

Doubt that it's relevant but this is running on my own Windows 7 Ultra build with a Core2Quad Q9550 @ 3.0 GHz & 4 GB of 800 MHz DC RAM with Klipsch Pro Audio 4.1 speakers. (I am looking into an M Audio Audiophile 2496 to replace the "built-in" RAM-robbing mobo sound "card." Disability is a pain in the [pick your body part] Have to save up for my goodies thanks to my fixed income status)

Thanks in advance. I have tried to include all the relevant info I can think of, along with gobs and gobs of irrelevant info. Hope it's enough.

Best regards,



Procyon wrote on 10/5/2011, 7:51 PM

You might want to look at this first..

I haven't done any recording (with MMM, yet), but I'm not sure why that is an issue (starting recording on first note).  I would think having at least one lead-in measure would be a good idea.  Besides, removing any additional time/material before the "first note" is so simple, I can't see it being a problem.  Or, am I missing something?

BTW....Nice sombrero.

JayGee716 wrote on 10/12/2011, 7:40 PM

This forum's interface is confusing to me so forgive me if this is not​ how to enter a reply. First off, Thank You   to Procyon for your response. I agree, in principle, with having an empty measure as a lead-in but I don't know if the latency is in my soundcard settings or in my hands! I haven't played in soooooo long. But, in addition, I'm having to learn a lot of new things all at once, which makes for a pretty daunting learning curve. For someone who's disabled, I sure don't seem to have much free time!

I haven't yet figured out how to remove additional/time before the first note. That's what brought me here to begin with. So any info you can share on doing that will be amazingly appreciated!

Got the "sombrero shot" on a trip with my brother to Nuevo Progresso, Mexico at, ironically named, "The Canada Store."

Procyon wrote on 10/12/2011, 9:06 PM

Everything's confusing before you do it once or twice.

I don't know if the latency is in my soundcard settings or in my hands!

Unfortunately, we don't know either since we are not there and can't see and hear what's going on.  From the sound of your original question, it sounds like latency to me.

Your other questions seem to be about basic editing.

Any arrangement object (sound sample/file/MIDI object) can be shortened. By clicking on the object to highlight it, you'll see several boxes appear on the object. The one in the middle can be pulled up or down to control the volume of the object. The two middle end boxes can be moved towards the middle of the object to create a lead-in or lead-out.  The two bottom end boxes control the length of the object at either end.  Moving either one in toward the middle will shorten the object.  Pulling them out will lengthen the object, but being a looping based software, it will simply repeat the beginning/end of the original object.

To align two objects in different tracks, it's best if they are on adjacent tracks.  (There's a way to hide other tracks, but I don't recall what it is right at the moment.)  It's best to use the +/- buttons on the scroll bars to zoom in on the area of interest.  It's helpful to move the red start marker very near to the place you want the tracks to align. Then simply click on the object you want to move to highlight it, and then click and drag it sideways to move it.  It is possible to align objects extremely accurately this way.

But first, I'd work on getting your latency issue resolved.  I hope this has been of some help.

JayGee716 wrote on 10/13/2011, 9:41 PM

Again, thanks for taking the time to help a noob! I was actually kidding about my hands being the latency problem. Sorry for the confusion..... I think I've got that issue mostly resolved. I just had to reinstall Windows 7 and thought it was a good time to see if there were any updates for my motherboard. Turns out there was a new ASIO driver in the update which works much better than the old one. 

Just get a good handle on 7 and my wife's uncle sends me a link for Win 8 from MSDN.

In my bumblings around in MMM, I had read about using the handles in the selected object but what I read was focused on the volume of the object. I did not realize (or see) the others. I'll take a closer look.

Thanks again for the help!