I have noticed that while exporting the memory continues to keep going up steadly.. This kinda happens when using MaincConcept as well but nowhere as close.. I was wondering if anyone encountered this, and if something can be done about it.
This is normal and should not cause a problem if you have plenty of RAM. If not make sure you have a suitably large page file allocated in windows and this will take up where the RAM can not accomodate.
I have a 32bit OS which can only access about 3.2GB of my 4 GB of RAM so during export of say, a 45min 1080 50p AVCHD project, it shows an additional 4GB of Page File usage so your usage may not be out of the ordinary.
I guess the point is - have you actually had a problem caused by this during a batch export, as it is not something I do?
I am sure the program is designed to release data from RAM if it is not currently accessing it, plus if you have the Page File set to the default "Let Windows manage my Virtual memory" then it will increase the PF as much as is needed.
What format and specification are the original files you are converting?
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The original files are also .mp4s, do you have Video Pro X6? If you do just try any .mp4 file and convert it into another .mp4 fil using the default MPEG-4 Encoder which should be Intel.
What you will see is that after conversion the ram isn't flushed the ram usage will remain at 5 GB usage for example.. Which is what the problem is, memory isn't being flushed out of every conversion it stays there eatign up all the ram. Only way to flush it is to exit the program.
Reply to Tip: Email from Magix said to always add to question if problem isn't reoslved, which is why I add to question. But I will do this from now on, thanks.