Memory Error on Xtreme PhotoStory 8

WouBster wrote on 8/18/2009, 12:36 AM
Just upgraded to PhotoStory 8 because the older version would notwork on Vist 64Bit so I tried the trail version and worked just fine so I went out and bought the software and now I can not even run a 256 image with 1 6min audio to work with out getting an out of memory or internal program error to come up, I tried it on Vista Home Premium 64bit and Win7 CR-1, the system is an i7 920 Intel Cpu runing at 2.67 Quad Core with 16GB memory, 1GB Video memory on nVidia 9800 GT and 3 1.5TB segate HD's so I know there is no shortage of processing, memory or storage power.. so can anyone help me on this? the older version on a 32bit system worked just fine with up to 4GB of data and I have produced 27 DVD's so far but I can't even finish one right now.. Help