Mangle Distortion parameters?

5P3535 wrote on 3/3/2023, 4:41 AM

Was working on our new album for the last 6 months with an earlier version of Pro 11. It still had mangle distortion which is like one of the signature moves in Snapping Turtle music LOL. (I've been using this Mangle effect since like 2008 LOL) I upgraded to the newest PRO 11 and now mangle has been removed so I lost a bunch of effects on some tracks. NBD if I can just reproduce it using some combination of things from new Direct X setup, such as like a Fuzz 2 set with Hard Clipping. But now I'm not finding the "hard clipping" of the earlier version either LOL. What are the exact parameters of Mangle from earlier versions? How can I create a workaround to the same sound effect in the new version? I deleted my earlier v of Pro11 to take a look at what the set up was. I will keep experimenting on my own to figure it out but if you can help that would be fantastic thanks!


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