MAGIX Downloader utility file placement

merlin-beedell wrote on 3/20/2019, 7:30 AM

Photostory says it has extra content and this launches a Downloader app that defaults to put files in
<your profile>/Documents/Magix Downloads/.
Is it possible to tell this Downloader utility to download the files somewhere else? My Microsoft "OneDrive" setup will sync ALL files & directories from my Documents directory - which is a really really silly thing to do for these downloads. I have tried to tell OneDrive to not include the MAGIX stuff - but it dutifully ignores me. So now I set it to 'pause' the sync while Magix downloads and installs. I hope I can clear down the Magix Downloads directory after the install is complete.

I think this same downloader is used for several other Magix products.


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