Lost mouse function

eekster wrote on 12/21/2011, 10:06 AM

I downloaded Music Maker (Direct Download) Everything seemed to work great until I tried to exit program after loading and editing some music. My touch pad mouse quit working and has not worked since. I could not even exit the program.  An external mouse works fine. The touch pad mouse will move the curser and highlite the target but will not retreive it when tapped.


Huesi wrote on 12/22/2011, 2:51 AM

Hi eekster,

that this kind of malfunction is caused by the software is highly unlikely. My best guess is that there is an unrelated hardware problem with your laptop, in which case you'd be better off talking (writing) to experts in those matters.


Be sure to include as much information about your system as possible.



eekster wrote on 12/25/2011, 11:50 AM

I am not sure if the "Music Maker" program was the problem. However I went into device manager and found the touch pad. I uninstalled the program, rebooted ant the mouse pad worked fine.


Now it still goes down every time I shut the computer down so I still need to uninstall and reboot each time.
