I have a video with several bands playing so one menu is to go directly to the selected band The other menu is to select (in alphabetical order) each song whether played by band 1 or 2 etc.
a. Add chapters to the movie at the start of each song - the disadvantage with this is that at the end of each song the video will continue to play the next and not return to the menu until the end of the movie and have 1 movie per band see A - C below how to do this
b. As above and add new movies to the project and copy one song to each new movie - the procedure is below
Warning - doing multiple movies like this will seriously slow down your PC - if it is a laptop then it may become unusable in which case try option (C)
(A) From an existing project - making the chapters into separate movies - make a backup of the original project then:
1. Open the project displaying the timeline.
2. Press Ctrl + Alt + N to create a new movie in the open project, click Don't close in the dialog that will open - you will now get a blank timeline and another movie tab.
3. Click the tab containing the original movie to display its timeline and select all the clips in the first chapter and copy them
4. Click the tab of the added movie and paste the copied objects on to the blank timeline.
5. Repeat steps 2 - 4 for each chapter
6. Select the original movie and remove it from the project File, Manage movies, Remove from project and save the project
7. Click on the Burn tab
8. MEP will create a menu with the indivdual movies on it change the menu template if you wish
9. Click each movie button and set the action you want at the end of the movie, in your case Jump to film menu
10. Save the project and do a trial burn ( I suggest you use rewriteable DVD or BD - they save you money) .
(B) Starting from a new project : -
a. Add the video/images etc to the blank timeline for the relevant topic set transitions, titles effects and chapters as desired, save the project
b. Press Ctrl + Alt + N to create a new movie in the open project, click Don't close in the dialog that will open - you will now get a blank timeline and another movie tab.
c. Repeat steps a and b as often as required.
d. Follow steps 7 - 10 above for the menu
(C) Starting with individual movies
11. Create an individual project for each movie, adding video, images, titles, effects etc and save the project.
12. For each project export the finished video as Magix mxv file File, Export movie, Video as Magix video.
13. Then follow procedure (B) - at step (a) import the exported mxv files from step 12 instead of adding video etc
Depending on how many songs there are you will end up with multiple menus - there is a limit to the number of menu items on a menu page depending on the template you use
I was filming a charity event. What I had in mind was:-
| Band 1 |
| Band 2 |
| Band 3 |
| Band 4 |
| Song selection |
with a second menu allowing individual songs or tunes to be selected, from an alphabetical list. I was not worried that the vid continued after the selected song as the remote would allow to be returned to a menu.
. . . . Wow what a dog's breakfast! I think Magix can't do it. Certainly not easily. . . .
It can be done - although the specific menu structure may be slightly different eg
Band 1 - all songs
- Song selection
Band 2 - all songs
- Song selection
. . . . . etc
You need to use one of the methods in my original post.
The movie menu and chapter menus will be created for you.
It is then a matter of tweaking the menus eg move the chapter link items on the movie menu or delete them and add new buttons to navigate to the chapter pages and set the end of film actions for each menu item eg Item 1 jumps to next movie and so on and the last item jumps to the menu as shown in this image
An example is shown below - I have used images but the principal is the same:
Movie menu with original chapter button images deleted and two new ones added
First chapter menu options
Second chapter menu options
Depending on the template you select, the number of chapters per menu page will vary.