Installation problem

preethasankarankutty wrote on 3/28/2011, 10:13 AM



I am Sivaraman Sankaran from KERALA,INDIA. In 2009 I purchased Movie pro12 and

Photostory 5 on CD&DVD.Due to some hardware problem, I have to reinstall bothe the 

programmes.But on successful (?) installation,while opening the Photostory,on the main page another  box opens, with the caption' Magix photos on CD&DVD',with the instruction,'please

insert Magix photostory on CD&DVD installation CD and restart the programme'.But while

clickimg OK,entire opening page goes off and the opens the desk top.

I hope I made the problem clear?


Please guide me to solve the problem.


Thanks and regards


john-auvil wrote on 3/28/2011, 12:20 PM

This really isnt support here as in from the company, but what operating system of Windows are you using?


The other thing is that perhaps the time code for your computer is throwing off the software... I am not sure if that would do it but it might cuase that to happen.

yvon-robert wrote on 3/28/2011, 11:05 PM


Version Movie Edit Pro 12 was designed for Windows XP do you try to install on Windows 7, 64 bits. Old programs cannot run on the new Windows 7. Try to install on another computer running XP 32 bits.
