in website maker easy how do i m_dutka wrote on 12/26/2011, 3:13 PM google analytics want me to add a script . they say (Copy the following code, then paste it onto every page you want to track immediately before the closing tag. ?) how do i do othis Back to post
Comments linda_ wrote on 1/10/2012, 5:30 AM I managed to do it by using the HTML box (in widgets) ..I added it to my background page and it seems to work perfectly. paste the text from google analytics in the HTML box and save. m_dutka wrote on 1/10/2012, 5:56 AM thankyou linda i will give it a go and post the results. michael faxuno wrote on 8/2/2013, 7:29 PM Hello! I made the same but didn't work! 1