
mikerobards wrote on 8/4/2009, 9:24 AM
Hi Mike You need to see the other answers - Yes there's no way of knowing that your camera doesn't download that way - Magix doesn't give you any info on this.  So you just download the files direct from the card in the camera  OK?

Well yes Mike thanks.

Now how do you get all the individual scenes you recorded on the camera into the program?  Bcause the Import process only takes one item at a time - It sure as hell doesn't let you use the normal 'shift' or 'control' and click methods (as the help page says it should).  So getting the clips in to the editor sure takes a long time - ANY help would be appreciated.
ralftaro wrote on 8/4/2009, 11:10 AM
Hi there,

As you have apparently already discovered in the meantime, this type of camera doesn't require the capturing process available in the program. This is just designed for tape-based cameras (DV or analog) to basically go from a purely sequential medium to a random access medium (i.e. your hard drive) that the computer can work with properly. With analog media, you obviously also need to go from analog to digital.

In your case, file-importing is the way to go. A multi-selection and batch-import is possible. Just don't use the file import button in the first "Import" screen of Movie Edit Pro. Work in the "Edit" screen and locate the files in the built-in file browser in the mediapool section. Here you can do multi-selections via Shift or Control and pull several files into the timeline at once.

I hope this helps!

dagunster wrote on 8/10/2009, 4:23 PM
I have almost exactly this camera.

There is no 'capture'.

Use the USB cable - connect the camera to the PC.

In Windows Explorer - when the camera connects - you will see a new drive letter.

If you see a folder "AVCHD:" - go there - keep drilling down until you see a folder called - 'STREAM'.  Your movies are in this folder.

Drag and drop the movies from the STREAM folder in the camera - to some folder on your computer.

THEN - start Movie Edit Pro - and go to the IMPORT tab. Navigate around to where you put the movies. 

They will then show up.