IK Multimedia vst's and Acid 8 on Windows 10

Ira-Mays wrote on 3/7/2020, 10:47 AM

I had IK Multimedia vst's in my Acid 7 which was upgraded to Acid 8, They were working fine in Acid 8 on Windows 10 until I had to uninstall acid (for an unrelated reason) and reinstall it from the original disc. Now the vst's won't work and they are necessary for my work. I searched for the folders downloaded to and put all I could find into the plug in manager scan. The two I did not uninstall showed up to be added to a project, but indicated they were not correctly installed and wouldn't work, I assume those plugins were not where I thought they were. The two I uninstalled and reinstalled were not there at all. How can I find these lost plugins and get them active? Please Help!!...


Ira-Mays wrote on 3/7/2020, 10:49 AM

Sorry, I left out that since they couldn't be recognized I tried uninstalling and reinstalling two of the vst's...

MarcoStorm wrote on 3/9/2020, 2:07 AM

Dear @Ira-Mays,

is this another problem then in this thread: https://www.magix.info/de/forum/ik-multimedia-vst-s--1237782/ ?

Now you try to run your VSTs with ACID Pro 8 instead of 9? Are the same VSTs involved? Do you have installed the latest ACID Pro 8 Version (

Best regards,


Ira-Mays wrote on 3/9/2020, 11:21 AM

Yes. The 8 worked fine with the same IK Multimedia plugins until I had to uninstall and reinstall 8 from the original Acid Pro 7 disc I had. The IK Multimedia vst's I am trying to get it to recognize are Sonik Synth 2, SampleMoog, SampleTron and Miroslav Philharmonic (Classik Edition)... According to About in Help I now have version 8.0 (Build 178). Since the reinstall these plugins no longer are accessible. I had bought and installed Acid Pro 9 Version 9.0.3 (Build 32), the only reason I had not been moving to 9 was because I could not get those same plugins to work. Since they are now working on neither, I decided to make the move to 9 since I saw reference in the purchase info that said 9 is more friendly with VST's. Was this info not correct, or is there something else I have to install to make those older VST's work? I tried a demo of a jbridge, to no avail. Thanks so much for any help you can give me, it is greatly appreciated...

MarcoStorm wrote on 3/10/2020, 10:21 AM

Okay, it is a little bit strange that they were working with acid pro 8 and are not working after reinstall. May be there is a problem with older scan results. Please check, if you have the correct scan paths for the plugins added to your vst configuration (Plug-in-Manager/Configure VST). Then it could be also usefull to do a rescan (check Force rebuild and press Scan). After that it would be interesting to know, if the plugins are scanned, but don't work in a certain way or if they are in the failed folder in the Plugi-in-Manager.

I decided to make the move to 9 since I saw reference in the purchase info that said 9 is more friendly with VST's

I think we improved VST compatibility a lot during our patches.Currently the vst engine is on the same version in AP 8, AP 9 and AP Next. Therefor I would recommend to use always the latest uptdate. On the other hand is it not possible for us to test all alvailable plugins out there, especially the old ones. In the special case of your IK Multimedia Plugins it is not possible for me to test them, because they are no longer available.

Let me know, how things work out after a rescan.

Ira-Mays wrote on 3/11/2020, 8:07 AM

Did as you suggested a few times during this journey. During scanning they say the plugin may not be properly installed for those 4 and also gives that message during the first startup after the scan, so I guess it's seeing them, but just can't load them. All 4 did appear in the failed folder until I uninstalled and reinstalled 2 of them, now those two no longer appear there, but are still not loaded during the scan. I tried a jbridge demo, to no avail. A support person at Magix Support suggested I uninstall those vst's using the Windows 10 Fixit Tool and then reinstall them. Then I noticed even though my Query was about Acid 9, she was apparently talking about Acid 10 when she said it was friendlier now to 32bit vst's. I replied back asking if all she said applied to Acid 9, but I've gotten no response yet. Does this sound like a reasonable course of action? I didn't use that tool when I first uninstalled the 2 and there may have been remnants...

Ira-Mays wrote on 3/11/2020, 4:49 PM

I uninstalled the jbridge and ran a scan then did a force rebuild scan in Acid 9. While it was rebuilding it said "Unable to locate Proxy DLL" for the vst's in question and when done rebuilding they show up in the failed folder. I still have yet to uninstall and reinstall one of the vst's, that will be my next step as soon as I get some time. Thank you...

Ira-Mays wrote on 3/13/2020, 12:50 PM

Could not use the fix-it-tool to uninstall because the software I tried to uninstall was not listed and of the three codes I have, none of them are the Product Code. Did a simple uninstall and reinstall again, scanned then rebuild scanned, same result, failed. Now I'm throwing my hands in the air, not sure where to go from this point. A great amount of very good work will be lost if I cannot remedy this problem, that's very unfortunate...

MarcoStorm wrote on 3/16/2020, 1:53 AM

Sorry to hear that. Like I said, I could not try to reproduce your problem without the plugins, which are no longer available and supported by the IKMultimedia. Would it be possible to provide me the installer or just the dlls via WeTransfer or another way?

Ira-Mays wrote on 3/18/2020, 7:33 AM

Not sure how I would do that, however I was in touch with IK Multimedia support and after installing their new IK Authorization Manager, I still had to uninstall and reinstall the vst's. 3 of the 4 were completely restored on the older version of my DAW (Acid 8) but still fail in Acid 9. The 4th vst (Sonik Synth 2) was restored on 8 with the exception of preset info and the tracks that that instrument are on are unusable for that vst, but the midi info exists on the track and I can copy and paste it to another track and that vst will work there, I just have to find the presets I had. If I want to use those vst's I will have to start the project in 8, make sure the track is exactly how I want it, then convert it to an audio track for each of those vst's I wish to use, then save to 9 to use the vst's that came with 9. Would certainly be much simpler if I could use the IK vst's in 9. Thanks so much for your help, I will continue to try to crack this as I get more time...

Ira-Mays wrote on 3/19/2020, 9:03 AM

Tried to rebuild scan again in 9, all still ended up in the failed folder, but there were 2 failed Sonik Synth 2 dlls. The scan stopped just once on a Sonik Synth 2/BACKUP to say "Registry Read Error - Please insure this product has been installed correctly" but didn't stop for that on the other 3 and all 4 still will not load...

Ira-Mays wrote on 3/19/2020, 1:23 PM

How do I find out which version of Acid 9 that I'm running, 32 or 64bit?...

CidBil wrote on 3/19/2020, 1:34 PM

At the top of the splash screen it tells which version you have. the about tab in the help menu has that information as well.

Ira-Mays wrote on 3/20/2020, 8:46 AM

Are you referring to (Build 32) as meaning 32 bit?...

CidBil wrote on 3/20/2020, 11:23 AM

Uh, no. This is what I see when I go to Help > About Acid Pro

ACID Pro Software

Version 9.0.3 (Build 32) 64bit

And when I start the program, this appears in the upper left hand corner of the Splash screen:


Version 9.0.3 (Build 32) 64bit

and below that my serial #



Ira-Mays wrote on 3/21/2020, 11:29 AM

Mine has exactly that, except 64bit is not there. I take it you must be running on the 64bit version and I'm running on the 32bit?!?!...

CidBil wrote on 3/21/2020, 1:34 PM

yep, to simplify things for myself, I don't run any 32bit programs or plugins on this computer........