I think i'm having some "realtime preview problems" with my edit pro 14 plus ?

parker2008 wrote on 2/12/2009, 12:19 PM
 When i'm in play back mode, while in editing, the project tends to freeze up or kind of stagger effect. This happens when the play back goes past any type of effect and then it will smooth out until the next effect. I know it has to be some setting. I think it is a "realtime preview problem". In simple terms, how do i fix this problem?


korerat wrote on 2/14/2009, 8:40 AM
I get this too sometimes, when I have a lot going on in the video.  Look at the bottom left where is says "CPU:   ---"  That is how much of your computers memory you are using, the higher it gets the slower things will run, if it hit's 100% it will stutter your clip.  My work around is to mute some aspects of the video when checking others.