
XXMerosticXX wrote on 3/5/2009, 4:53 AM

I never did it before, but I just tried. It's pretty easy - but you did not tell us where the PDF document there are two possibilities:

1. You want to take a PDF from your computer

Click "Objects" on the left side.
Here you'll find the "Upload" link. It's above the light grey box where you can choose objects like "Text", "My media", "Decoration" etc.

Click upload, choose the *.pdf file from your computer and simply upload it.

You will find your PDF in the "Objects" area - just browse "My media" and "Uploaded".

It's of course stored in "Others", not within "Pictures", "Videos" or "Songs".

Just drag & drop it to your page, like you do with all the other objects. Now everyone who clicks on that PDF-Icon can download the PDF.

2. You want to link to a PDF which can be found in the internet

Even easier.
Choose the object or the text on your page which shall link to the PDF and choose "Properties" on the left side.

Here you will have options for your text / object - and there is an option called "Linking".
Choose "external link" and enter the URL of the PDF.

Done. If you need help on this, this workshop will help you:

(Click here to get the workshop).

It's video no. 5 "Add links".