
XXMerosticXX wrote on 3/6/2009, 3:22 AM
Hang on.

You bought it - you mean, you bought it in a store....I'm not quite sure what you mean by "Test phrase"....?

And...what do you want to download?! Website Maker works online.....maybe it's me, but I don't get your point....could you add some details to your question?

- Did you buy the box or did you buy it online?
- What do you want to download?
- What do you mean by "Test phrase" - you said you bought it...?

Best regards
ralftaro wrote on 3/10/2009, 3:59 AM
You probably accidentally ended up registering a free/trial account of Website Maker online instead of activating the paid account from your boxed version. You will have to log into your existing free account now and deactivate and delete is via the "Settings" page. Only after this is done you will be able to perform the boxed version activation procedure as per the instructions that came with your Website Maker package. Alternatively, you could use a different e-mail address for the activation procedure. However, trying to activate the boxed version under an e-mail address that already has a free account registered will cause a conflict and you won't be going anywhere.

If this seems confusing or if you have problems carrying out the suggestions above, by all means get in touch with Magix support/sales department. They will be able to sort you out:

I hope this helps.