Q while ago I bought several MAGIX products, especially to process pictures etc. for my website. I don't use these programs very often so they are more or less dormant on my PC.
However, almost everytime when I want to use these programs again, I got/get the message that my product is not registered. (anymore ???) So I simply registered them again. (Which is btw: annoying enough, but at least I could work with them again.)
About a month ago, I had the same szenario again but as I tried to register my product I got the message that the amount of registrations has been exceded and I have to order a new registration Key by emailing to: kundenservice@ magic.net. which I did.
I waited a month and nothing happened. 2 days ago, I resent my request again. Today I received this automatic generated email:
Dear MAGIX Customer,
Thank you for your message.
In order for a MAGIX representative to answer your question as quickly
as possible, then please use the Request Form.
You can find the Request Form and many helpful guides for our products
on our Support site :
best regards
the MAGIX Team
So I logged into my account to do so. But what a spprise: I have to pay 12,99 Euro (29,99 Euro Pro Produkte) for one support case.
Conclusion: Not that I am unable to use my purchased programs, because they unregistered themselve all the time for whatever reaseon, I also have to pay to get it running again. I call this: A realy great customer service !!!!
Is this the method/manner how Magix increases his profit?