how to mark a spot in Magix 12 Music Maker?

promytius1 wrote on 7/7/2009, 8:56 AM
Simple thing - need to mark places in a composition without changing the start/stop position; for example, I am creating a drum and bass track to go along with Tequila Sunrise for a band, and I need to cue the beginning of each verse with a cymbal crash, and I find it frustrating because everytime I click on the spot, the start/stop line goes there. I just want to "mark" the place(s) and come back and insert the cymbal later.
Is that possible?


ralftaro wrote on 7/8/2009, 9:16 AM

You got some jump markers in Music Maker that you can use for this purpose. The options to set and jump to these up to ten markers can be accessed through the "Edit" menu, but you're probably better off using them via the associated keyboard shortcuts. Use Shift + one of the numbers from 0 to 9 to set a marker at the playback cursor position. Use just the number, without Shift, to jump to the corresponding marker again.

I hope this helps.