How to improve slide resolution for DVD slide show

Porkynoh2 wrote on 7/14/2011, 8:36 PM

I looked at the thread for RobertW1 who had same query as I, wanting crisp resolution in his slide shows for viewing on a wide-screen TV.  I  love the title and transition controls of PhotoStory on CD & DVD - but the trade-off in screen resolution is unacceptable.  Comparing a DVD "video" slide show - using JPEG image files in the 20 - 24mb range made with PhotoStory, and a DVD data disc using the same files, even with the limitations of TV resolution, the data DVD was superior to the "Video" DVD.  Needless to say, the TV resolution was pathetic compared to PC monitor resolution in both cases.  It appears that, short of migrating to Blu-Ray (which I am not anxious to do), I must be content with making my slide shows by simply burning the JPEGs to a DVD as raw files, which then I will play on a DVD Player, letting the Player provide its limited transition effects.  All image correction needs to be done externally, as in Photoshop, and the order and cropping of images must be pre-determined.  It is a shame, given the many nice effects in PhotoStory, to give up on this software.  But unless there is way to improve image display quality, I won't use it.  Besides, storing raw JPEGs on a data DVD also accomplishes another way to back up the files without image loss.  It remains for someone more knowledgable than me to discuss the archival implications of this method of back-up.  I remain open to suggestions...


lisadigitalstudio wrote on 7/15/2011, 4:56 PM

did you try to correct the pictures under the 'effects' then 'image optimization' section?  You can removed red eyed, improve brightness, contrast, white balance, color, etc....  Once one picture is corrected, you can copy this effect for all thereafter.  Unless the original photos was taken in a very low megapixel camera, the outcome is good.

Also when you are burning the DVD, make sure you select the high quality & resolution option when prompted for encoding.

adjohnson wrote on 8/19/2011, 11:47 AM

I too have this problem.  I am a portrait photographer and have had clients complain about how poor their slideshows look on their TV.  Lisadigitalstudio - can you explain exactly what I should have my settings set to when creating a DVD?  There are so many different settings and I feel like I've tried everything but maybe you can help by telling me the exact settings for the optimum resolution on the slideshow.  Thank you.

phillipsar wrote on 8/26/2011, 10:36 AM

I am also having this same problem.  I don't understand.  I play the slideshow on my computer before I burn it and it looks great.  But after the burn the quality from the DVD on my computer is so poor, i can't imagine what it will look like on our TV screen.


dizpark wrote on 1/11/2012, 3:42 AM

The culprit is the anti-flicker option "on" in making DVDs.  Try to turn it off and see if it helps (it did for me), You risk introducing flicker in picture with fine horizontal patterns but i=that can be deal on slide-by-slide basis by blurring it (idf that bothers you).