How to extract chunks from a video

watsome wrote on 5/21/2011, 5:58 AM

I can't see how to do what I want to.


All I want to do is go through a video and take out selected scenes, say 1 min 20 secs to 4 mins 05 secs and then 23 m 45 s to 26 m 30 secs. Then I want to save those two chunks as a separate file. Despite my relatively high educational qualifications I am a complete idiot at doing things like this and am about to give up.


Pls help


Man o' Lakes wrote on 5/25/2011, 2:13 AM

In Video Easy, move the horizontal line to the start of the section and press the letter T on your keyboard. Now move on to the end of the section and repeat.


Do this until you have separated the sections you want from those you do not. Now you need to mark what you do NOT want. Do so by keeping the Ctrl key depressed, placing your cursor on each unwanted part and clicking left mouse button. Check that ALL unwanted parts are now marked, i.e. in blue, press the delete key on your keyboard and watch everything you don't want disappear. 


Click on finish movie and save to your hard drive. That should do it. Cheers, M o' L