How to delete extra frames in the timeline?

RP777 wrote on 6/25/2011, 6:22 PM

I imported 5 songs into my photo slideshow before knowing how to edit the length and such in the timeline. Now my timeline is about 10 minutes longer than it should be I'm assuming to make enough time for each song to play through. I figured out how to edit the songs and blend them seemlessly but I'm left with that extra bit of timeline and I don't know how to cut it out.

Is there a way to delete the extra frames or at least export a selected part of the timeline so I don't get the whole thing.

Any help with this is much appreciated. Thank you in advance!


john-auvil wrote on 6/27/2011, 12:08 PM

I have both PhotoStory 9 and 10 Deluxe.

Each song in the Time Line mode will have an object handles, the lower right one can be left clicked and held while dragged to the left to alter where the audio stops... the handle above that will allow you to fade out.