
siglersmalz wrote on 5/1/2009, 9:41 PM

I don't know how Xtreme Photostory works specifically, but it may work just like MEP.  When you go to the Burn menu to put your DVD menu structure together, double-click the movie frame to open the "Menu entry properties".  Look at the bottom-right and you may see "Action at the end of the film"  if you choose "Play film as an endless loop", you should get the result you want.

If those directions aren't exactly right, you might search for "endless loop" in help.

Good luck,


ramjos3 wrote on 4/4/2010, 1:26 AM
siglersmalz - thank you for your answer as you are absolutely correct. i was able to set the option for my slideshow to "play as endless loop"