How to burn a movie to a dvd?

Brook77 wrote on 10/18/2008, 3:57 PM
Im having a lot of trouble uploading my movies onto the dvd..I bought a set of dvd-r and every time I go to burn my movies it tells me to insert a blank disc(the disks are brand new) or that it cant burn onto this disc. I payed all this money and I can get it to work. Im very frustrated! please help! All I want to do is burn it to a disc and go ..what gives..does anyone know how I can fix this problem?Thanks!


ralftaro wrote on 10/20/2008, 12:46 PM
Burning problems tend to be somewhat complex and could have a variety of reasons. It's hard to go into every aspect, but here are a few burn trouble-shooting basics. I'll try not to be too wordy...

- Make sure you have an optical drive that supports the burning of DVD-R.

- Make sure the burn routines available on the Magix support website under the Downloads/Tools section are up-to-date.

- Experiment with different DVD-R blanks and try to confirm that your drive is able to use the current make/type at all. Maybe you can check by burning in Windows or another burning applications.

- Update your burner's firmware from the website of the manufacturer.

- While working with the video software, shut down other applications and background tasks that might possibly conflict with the program or interfere with the burning process.

I hope this helps.

georef wrote on 12/6/2008, 10:58 AM
I searche the net for the DVD-writer type. Found a forum with description for upgrading (rename the DVD type and firmware upgrade). Folowed it and woila all functioned.