How to add several separate texts to one picture?

Vesa wrote on 1/21/2010, 5:48 PM
I'm creating a documentary in which I occasionally use several texts (=subtitles) over one picture. However, there is only one "Text" link per picture in the storyboard. (In the Timeline mode, there is also only one text object per picture.)

For example, these two subtitles would follow each other, while the same picture remains on the background:

"Gladio" was a Cold War military-intelligence operation...

... condemned by the European Union in 1990.

Do I need to add the same picture twice (or thrice, etc) to have it as the background for several subtitle texts? That sounds a bit awkward.


asoeli wrote on 1/22/2010, 3:28 AM
Work in Timeline mode only. You can make two or more text fields beside each other. This is for text without movement. Make the first one, copy it (Ctrl+C) and glue in (Ctrl+V). Be sure that the first one is not marked and then change the text in the second. The duration of text is adjusted by the length of the text object.

cpc000cpc wrote on 1/22/2010, 6:25 PM
 Note also:

Besides 'beside' each other you can have your text objects overlap for a transition between or put them in separate tracks to allow simultaneous viewing.

[Ctrl+D] is a one step duplication of an object rather than copy and paste.