
Procyon wrote on 1/31/2011, 6:47 PM

It is not clear what you are asking.  First of all, which synth are you using to create your drum track?  How are these beats being created?  With the mouse?  Drawn in?  Tapping on the computer keyboard?

Ollz wrote on 2/1/2011, 3:40 AM


Procyon wrote on 2/1/2011, 2:14 PM

Thanks, but you still haven't told us which part of the program you are using to create these beats.


Vita, Robota, BeatBox 2, Drum'n'Bass, etc....

Ollz wrote on 2/6/2011, 4:02 AM

Sorry Procyon,


I believe it is Vital Instruments if that helps.


Procyon wrote on 2/6/2011, 9:07 AM

Yes...Of course it helps.  Otherwise, we have no way to know what you're talking about.


Open the MIDI object in the VIta MIDI Editor.


1. It is probably already on, but just make sure the quantization grid (vertical lines) is showing...


Options > Show Quantization Grid (ALT+G)


2. On the toolbar, choose the "Grid Quantize Value". To start, choose the coursest setting necessary (eigth note, sixteenth note,etc.) for your basic rhythm.  You can refine things later.  Set "Length Quantize Value" to #.  This will automatically match it to the grid value.


3. Go to ...Modification > Select ALL (CTRL+A) select all of the notes in the object.


4. Then go to...MIDI functions > Quantize Start and Length.  This will adjust all MIDI notes to the grid.


You can then make adjustments as needed.  You can change the Grid Quantization Value to a finer resolution if desired.