
john-auvil wrote on 7/29/2011, 9:50 AM

1. Resources

2. Other software installed and running in the background causing communication errors

3. Drive is not correctly mapped with Windows.

There could also be other things, but these three take the bigger piece of the pie to me. I think (2) is the most likely. If you have other software that is running or starts up when the CD is inserted to the drive, then the Music Maker does not have the ability to use the drive because it is "in use".

This could trigger a freeze if the other software in question is not reporting itself through Windows as using the drive... I used to have issues like this with Roxio software that utilized a packet writer. After removing the Roxio from the system (including a registry clean) I was able to use my drive again. This was several years ago though... Win 2000/XP days.

Does the Music Maker freeze doing any other tasks? If so, it could be a resource issue.