
feluraunt wrote on 1/22/2009, 10:41 AM
This would require you to either snail mail the registration form into MAGIX, or call them to have it registered.

There is a registration form that can be found by going to the main program folder for Movie Edit Pro 14 (in Windows) and locating a file called Register.rtf

The number is 305-722-5821, Miami, Florida area code.
feluraunt wrote on 1/22/2009, 11:05 AM
Chips are too greasy, I am sure it's something more healthy.

You could actually register with the computer you are on... and then up at the top right there is a register area... from there you can go to register your product.

I tried calling them too, maybe it is chips and their greasy fingers can't lift the hand set?
feluraunt wrote on 1/22/2009, 12:06 PM
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Yes, you’re just registering the product to you as the user. The code that was associated to the program, on the sleeve of the program registers it to the computer, which does not require the internet.

I am not support though, so I can't say with authority, but my studio system, does not have internet access, i registered everything by logging into the registration I made and just entered the serial code for the program and it updated my list of magix software.