
john-auvil wrote on 7/11/2011, 11:49 AM

Hmm... What version of PhotoStory do you have? I will test this to see what I can find out.... also if you can roughly tell me how many photos are in each show, so I can duplicate the project as you have to better judge my results.


tjkelly wrote on 7/11/2011, 2:53 PM

I am using photo story 10 deluxe.

I am still in a testing mode, but this is pretty important.

I at this time have 1 project with 4 slide shows.  Each show has about 75 photos.

When I create a new slideshow from the active project, it just shows as the last (bottom) slideshow.  I think I can export every single slideshow and then import into a new project.  However, that seems like a silly way to work and there HAS to be a better way to do this.

Thanks in advance for your help.



john-auvil wrote on 7/14/2011, 9:48 AM

Here is what I usually do... but it might not be what you want as an outcome.

I create several projects, each being their own slideshow, and when I get a group I want to burn to disc or create for a presentation I will start a NEW slideshow...

The new slideshow I add in a opening, and that is basically it.. It is like opening credit (mainly text). I then use the drop down menu file, and open another project (this would be the one I want first). When I do this, the program asks me if I want to save the one I have, I say yes, I name it, but then it asks if I want to close this project or just add the other. I pick add.

Now, you will see it opens that project, but you cannot really see the other one... if you look just under the preview monitor, above the sideshow arrangement, there is a drop down window. This area allows you to go from one project to the next. You can then either add a new project (just the same way, File, Open) and take the next project.

You can keep doing this, you just don't want to do to many where you exceed the space you can use for burning. The other thing I like about doing it this way is now when I go to burn, each project becomes its own chapter. This means the disc when viewed can allow the viewer to jump to just the chapter they want... (great for instructional lessons).

I hope this was helpful, if you need more info, just let me know.