
ralftaro wrote on 7/3/2009, 8:39 AM
What kind of data is on the DVD-R? Is that a standard video DVD (e.g. recorded by a DVD camera)? Or is this an AVCHD camera that records to DVD? It always boils down to import the correct files from the medium into Movie Edit Pro. On a video DVD, you will find MPEG-2 files with the extension VOB that you can import. MPEG-2 codec and Dolby Digital Stereo decoder need to be activated for this to work. For AVCHD, they would be M2TS files and require the use of the "Plus" version and MPEG-4 codec activation.

I hope this helps. If you require more advice, feel free to post again, but please provide more details about that material etc.

ralftaro wrote on 7/23/2009, 9:01 AM
Hi again,

Having the error message, either as an accurate quote or as a screen shot, might help a lot. Thanks.

ralftaro wrote on 7/24/2009, 3:57 AM
Recording surgery through a laparoscope? Well, sounds interesting, but still doesn't give us one bit of information as to what camera you're using and what format it is recording in.

Any codec activation that might still be required should pop up as soon as you try to bring in the material, giving you the possibility to activate the codec online or via offline facilities...if this even is a matter of codec activation.

Please just go ahead and post the specific error message here, ideally as a screen shot. Uploading a piece of your sample material  for testing should also be fully conclusive as to whether/how it can be imported and what potential problems might occur. Thanks.