
Elkan wrote on 7/22/2009, 6:19 AM
An easy way is to move all the tracks one bar or a length according to your intro.

I don't know if you can mark them all and move them - but you can set a starting point for all the tracks - klik on the sound block and choose "Starting point" I think its called.

ShanLyn wrote on 7/25/2009, 4:15 AM
You can move all the tracks.  It's more simple than anyone thinks.

On your PC keyboard, press on the "SHIFT" key, then simultaneously select each track you've created.  Once selected, all the tracks will be highlighted in 'red'.
THEN, release the SHIFT key, and move your entire arrangement to your desired point where you can add something at the beginning.  The way to do this is to just simply mouse-click on the arrangement and then move the mouse cursor and you will see your whole arrangement move as well.