How do I get the Chapters to appear when I'm in the Burn Disk menu area?

vjespinoza wrote on 3/21/2009, 11:34 AM
I try to select the compostion I want, which shows 6 chapter titles.  However, none of them appear on the design I'm using.  I cannot figure out what I"m doing wrong.  I have even tried to select a layout I've used in the past that shows six chapter menu options and it doesn't change anything.  My chapters are checked in the Disc Navigation area.


RedEclipse wrote on 6/11/2010, 10:09 PM
You need to set your chapter markers when you are first rendering the movie in "Edit" mode.
First set the orange timeline cursor to where you want to set a chapter, and then while your mouse cursor is still alligned with the orange timeline cursor. (showing the double horizontal arrow) right click your mouse. A drop box then appears with various options, among them being "Marker." Choose "Marker" and you will see another box of options, among them "Set chapter markers." Click that and a blue icon wil appear where you've placed the chapter marker.
Do this wherever you want to set a subsequent chapter. (Or just use the keyboard shortcut "Shift + Enter")
Therein you can manually adjust them for accuracy by sliding them with your mouse until such time that you lock them with the little padlock icon that's above the timeline at the left.
These markers you have made in your movie will now automatically segment your movie as chapters in "Burn" mode.
I hope that helps and gets you going on the right track.