
NoTurning wrote on 9/7/2008, 9:50 PM
The quick and dirty way is to patch your player into your PC, record each song as a .wav one at a time then burn them to CD.

If you want a more in-depth method including how to automate track separation and to remove the LP "click" then let me know and I'll post it here.

If you want to use MP3 maker specifically then add that to your question.
siglersmalz wrote on 9/8/2008, 2:34 AM
In addition to the ideas from Noturning, I've also seen turntables for sale that use USB to connect directly to your PC.  You could check into that.


Kmer wrote on 9/14/2008, 10:02 AM
From a turntable (with no amplifier) I use a Preamp. You can get one from Radio Shack for less than $20.00. I plug the turntable's two input cords (red and white) in to the back of my preamp, then use two input cords from the preamp that plug into an adapter plug, which reduces into one plug which I plug into the back of my computer (microphone jack).
I am a novice but I intend to educate myself (trial and error) to also transfer my extensive LP collection to CD's. I wish you good success!