
XXMerosticXX wrote on 12/26/2008, 4:15 PM
"Very detailed"....well, as far as I remember you can remove vocals with the Music Maker 14 (I use Music Maker 15, so I ain't quite sure...). It should work this way:

Load the mp3 into the Music Maker

Click on it with the right mousebutton

Choose "audio effect rack" (something like the german version here)

In the lower, right area should be a button called "Karaoke" or something (as I said, I got the german version).

This should remove the vocals. Well, you asked for a "very detailled mannor" a matter of fact it all has to do with the quality of the source....if your audio file has a really bad quality, then there might be some vocals left. Especially if he vocals on the song are full of effects, delays, chorus, flanger 'n stuff there always might be something left...