How do I change the final credits in an existing slide show?

jamesdee83 wrote on 4/12/2010, 11:09 AM
I've just noticed a mistake in the final credits of a slide show I created using photostory and want to alter them but can't get at them to do the alteration (I'm using Magix Extreme Photo Story 7 delux).  I'm sure there's a perfectly simple way to do it but I'm a complete novice.  All I need to do is alter one word but just can't find a way to do the edit.  Can anyone out there help me please?


nietvelt wrote on 5/20/2010, 3:15 PM
Not sure what you've tried, but have you double-clicked right on the text object in timeline mode?  I have done this with other text objects I've used and am able to edit them.  Doubleclicking should open up the object, allowing you to alter the properties, text, etc.