. . . . how can i prevent anyone from uploading my media in online album . . .
I presume you mean downloading media from your online album?
There are several methods of stopping the casual viewer downloading content - disabling the right click in the browser, masking of the image / video with an overlay.
In your online album settings there should be the option to disable downloading.
However you cannot stop the determined viewers of your album on the Internet downloading images or video.
For a website to be viewed in a browser the images or videos must be downloaded / streamed and anyone who is determined can download the images or capture video.
In my online album setting the download option is disabled but the photos can still be downloaded very easily, the reason they download what they want.
As I previously said you cannot stop anyone capturing images or video.
A web page is not a single complete pages a you see it but is composed of several components, text - the HTML page - the images and any othe conte eg video and audio.
When a web page is opened in a browser the HTML page, is downloaded into the browser, the browser then reads this page and looks for images, video and audio, which it then downloads to the viewers computer seperately and then assembles the text, images etc together to display the page.