How can I move multiple objects in MENU edit

mrnovice wrote on 1/30/2011, 10:31 PM

per the online help in Photostory for DVD 9.x, you should be able to use the 'group' icon when editing menu objects which allows you to move multiple object at the same time.  I can't get this simple function to work!

I tried holding down the 'shift' key, the control key the function key, with no luck.

Any advice would be appreciated.  Thanks


john-auvil wrote on 1/31/2011, 9:09 AM

What exactly are you trying to move?


You can move multiple objects in like "Time-Line" mode. You click your first object, then hold the Ctrl key while clicking on any additional objects.


Objects would be those things found in "Time-Line" mode, such as photos, texts, audio, and videos.