How can i get sound when editing a long video into takes?

bassbunny wrote on 10/28/2008, 2:32 PM
I am trying to edit some 45 min videos of my band's concerts into individual takes, (songs), to produce a promo video.
When editing in the media pool there is no sound. I need the sound to know when each song starts/finishes.
Can it be done, or is there another way of editing the video's down?


TschueschBoy51 wrote on 10/29/2008, 5:25 AM
Hallo bassbunny,

first of all: Which Movie Edit Pro version do you have? I have the German Video deluxe 2008 Plus which (as I know) should be the same as the English Movie Edit Pro 14 Plus.

However, when I edited my band video I did it like this:

1. load the whole video into the timeline
2. cut the video into the takes you'd like to have
3. click on the clip you've just cut and drag it into the media pool where Movie edit pro will create a take
4. name the take (e.g. verse1)

After you have all your cuttings done you open a new project and simply drag the takes on the timeline and edit them.

Have fun,