How can I edit AVCHD files ?

TYDyDad wrote on 2/10/2009, 1:22 AM
I have Movie Pro Edit Pro 14 Plus and a Canon HG10.

 I can not edit the .MTS files in a project due to video preview performance.  If I convert my files to MPEG 2 do I lose any reolution ?  (i.e. am I downgrading my video so it can work in MAGIX?

I have to say after fumbling for two hours to active 'stuff' to get rid of GeckoGirlVideo's message, I am not pleased with the AVCHD performance out of the box.

My newegg comments will be dependent upon having any kind of ability to work with AVCHD files.  AS it stands now, even with the program set at Low resolution for video preview - I can't see the preview because it is so choppy.

I have two 512 MB brand new video cards in an SLI arrangement and an AMD Athlon 5200 running at 2.6 MHZ


chirva_a_s wrote on 2/10/2009, 5:12 PM
The first that is important for work with AVCHD is a processor and operative memory! In practice for normal work it is necessary Dual Core CPU with 1.8 GHz per Core, 2 GB of RAM (better at memory work in a two-channel mode), and Videoadapter with 128 and more videomemory.
The problem in that AVCHD format initially is not intended for editing - is a format ready for viewing. Because AVCHD format (approximately as well as MPEG2 format ) is a format of compression with loss of data. Algorithms of compression are difficult. Even for viewing of files in AVCHD format considerable resources of the computer are required. And for editing and that it is more. It is important to consider, that at work with the compressed material, the program decodes initial video and stores these data in the temporary folder on hard drive.  The faster access to the data which are in the temporary folder, the faster the program makes calculations of effects. Decoded AVCHD video has great volume, therefore at work with AVCHD format speed of access to temporary files is very important!
Here some recommendations which will allow to work more comfortably with format AVCHD:
1 - Initial video should be stored on a separate physical disk. In no event video should not be stored on the same disk where installed OS.
I specify that on SEPARATE PHYSICAL (not logic) a disk. It is better, if as a separate physical disk it will be used RAID0
2 - In Programm settings (hot key "Y") -> Path settings - > Temporary Instead of a standard folder specify a folder on a separate physical disk. For an example: in my PC there is a special disk (it is RAID0) on which I store video files (in the file manager I see it as a logic disk E:). On this logic disk I have created folder "Movie_Edit_Pro" and in Programm settings (hot key "Y") -> Path settings - > Temporary i specified a way to this folder: E:\ physical separate disk, that positively affects speed of work of the programIf also it does not help to solve a problem, I will dare to recommend to convert originally files in to a format without compression (use Logarith codec), and already with these files to make editing. But it will demand use of a very fast hard disk (RAID0) great Capacities.
Has absolutely forgotten. I did not try to work in SLI mode,  may be in this mode a program will not involve possibility of a video card for acceleration during preview..., but this question should be set to technical support service.

I hope my help will be not useless
Good Luck!