How can I create multiple titles in a menu in MEP 14+?

Lucio wrote on 4/9/2009, 11:16 AM
Hi Everyone:
 Just a quick question that I'm sure most of you can answer for a dummy like me.
 I have 3 mini concerts that I am editing in Magix onto 1 dvd and wanted each concert to have it's own title in the menu (ie from the main menu, a person can choose concert 1,2 or 3 and then into the sub-menu).
 Is there a way to do this in Magix Movie Edit Pro 14+? I find that I can add as many chapter marks as I want, but the main menu only displays 1 title.


nmw01223 wrote on 4/18/2009, 3:37 AM
You need to load the three concerts as separate movies. Make one movie for each. When you load (the 2nd) movie it will ask you if you want to close the previous one - say no. Then do the same for the 3rd one.