help mda report DVD image creation error 840003f4

woodsies11 wrote on 3/3/2011, 11:49 PM

mda report DVD image creation error 840003f4 I've had this error come up when attempting to burn to dvd in Magix photostory on cd and dvd delux It is driving me mad, I've going around in circles. I've downloaded a patch and then a burn sequence. I love what this program is supposed to do but it's no good if it's this hard to get a slideshow to a dvd. Is there anyone that can offer a solution, PLEASE!!


Man o' Lakes wrote on 3/4/2011, 3:40 AM

Hi woodsies11


I think that sounds like one for the Tech support guys. Run a syscheck as that will provide for a lot of background info for them in one go.   Go to here -


Cheers, M o' L.   

woodsies11 wrote on 3/5/2011, 10:13 PM

Thanks for your input MoL. I got so frustrated with this that I ended up resetting to defaults, which ended up fixing the problem. Trouble was, somehow I lost my current project, I had a previously saved stage but lost a lot of extra work I had done on my slideshow. Just got to try and stay calm!! This program is as brilliant as it is frustrating, how can that be so?

Man o' Lakes wrote on 3/7/2011, 4:52 AM

Hi there, can't speculate what it might have been, but a reset cured it? OK. You always have the option of an MPEG2 export, which you have under File. Then you can burn it with whatever burn program you typically use.

Or export as an avi etc, you have several different options there to choose from. Good luck, M o' L